Member Commands[edit]
/discord | Open link to Illusioncraft Discord |
/discord link | Get code to link your Discord account |
/vote | Open link to voting sites |
/buy | Purchase items from our server store |
/wiki | Open link to our wiki |
/website | Open link to our website |
/rules | Read Server Rules |
/bugreport | Open link to submit a bug report |
/staffapplication | Open link to staff application |
/claim | Claim an area around you |
/kit claim | Obtain a golden shovel & stick |
/accesstrust <player> | Give trust to a player to use buttons/levers/beds |
/containertrust <player> | Give trust to a player to use buttons/levers/beds/crafting gear/containers/animals |
/trust <player> | Give trust to a player to build |
/permissiontrust <player> | Give trust to a player to manage the claim |
/abandonclaim | Abandon the claim you're standing in |
/claimexplosions | Toggle if explosions are allowed in the claim |
/untrust <player> | Removes a player's trust |
/trustlist | See list of trusted players |
/subdivideclaims | Switch into subdivision mode |
/basicclaims | Switch into basic claims mode |
/abandonallclaims | Abandon all of your claims |
/givepet <player | Give a tamed pet to someone |
/trapped | Run this command if you are trapped in someone's claim |
/unlockdrops | Allow others to pick up your items after you've died |
/banfromclaim <player> | Bans someone from the claim you're standing in |
/unbanfromclaim <player> | Unbans someone from the claim you're standing in |
/banfromclaimlist | List players banned from the claim you're standing in |
/banfromclaimall | Toggle whether everyone is banned from the claim you're standing in |
/kickfromclaim <player> | Kick a player from the claim your standing in |
/setflag <flag> | Set a flag for your claim. See Claim Flags |
/listclaimflags | Lists all claim flags |
/spawn | Teleport to spawn |
/sethome <name> | Set your home |
/delhome <name> | Remove a home |
/home <name> | Teleport to a home |
/home bed | Teleport to your bed |
/rtp | Randomly teleport to a world |
/pvp | Teleport to PVP Arena |
/watchpvp | Teleport to PVP Spectator Area |
/market | Teleport to player market |
/back | Teleport back to where you died |
/crates | Teleport to crates world |
/mapart | Teleport to center of mapart world |
/tpa <player> | Request to teleport to a player |
/tpaccept | Accept someone's TPA request |
/tpdeny | Deny someone's TPA request |
/tpacancel | Cancel your TPA request |
/tptoggle | Toggle whether or not players can request to teleport to you |
/guild home | Teleport to your guild's home |
/arm tp <shopid> | Teleport to a specific shop |
/mazes | Teleport to mazes |
/market | Teleport to the market |
/arm buy | Purchase the shop you're standing in |
/arm info | See info about the shop you're standing in |
/shopmenu | Open up shop GUI |
/shopfinder | See available shops |
/arm tp <shopid> | Teleport to a specific shop |
/arm addmember <player> | Allow someone to build in your shop |
/arm removemember <player> | Disallow someone to build in your shop |
/arm flageditor | Edit your shop's flags |
/arm offer | Offer your shop to another player |
/arm settplocation | Set the location players will go when teleporting to your shop |
/arm listregions <player> | See all regions a player owns/is a member of |
/ts setup | Learn how to make a tradeshop |
/ts setProduct | Set your tradeshop's product |
/ts addProduct | Add a product to your tradeshop |
/ts setCost | Set your tradeshop's cost |
/ts addCost | Add a cost to your tradeshop |
/ts what | See what the tradeshop is selling |
/ts edit | Edit your tradeshop (Advanced) |
/ts find | Find a specific tradeshop |
/ts open | Open your tradeshop |
/ts close | Close your tradeshop |
/bal | See your current bank balance |
/msg <player> <message> | Privately message a player |
/g <message> | Privately message your guild |
/r <message> | Respond to someone's private message |
/mail send <player> <message> | Send mail to a player |
/ignore <player> | Ignore all messages from that player |
/realname <nickname> | See a player's realname |
/helpop <message> | Send a message to all online staff |
/local | Set your chat to local chat (only nearby players can see your messages) |
/marketchat | Set your chat to market chat |
/party | Create a chat party |
/leave | Leave a chat channel |
/channel | Join a chat channel |
/veinminer toggle <tool> | Toggle veinmining for a specific tool |
/veinminer mode <model> | Change veinmining mode |
/tc toggle | Toggle treecapitation |
/guild create | Create a guild |
/guild invite <player> | Invite someone to your guild |
/guild leave | Leave your guild |
/guild list | See online guilds |
/guild chat | Toggle guild chat |
/guild desc | Set guild description |
/guild motd | Set guild MOTD |
/guild rank <player> <rank> | Set a player's rank in the guild |
/guild info [guild] | See info about a guild |
/guild rename <newname> | Rename your guild |
/guild kick <player> | Kick a player from your guild |
/guild delete | Delete your guild |
/guild sethome | Set your guild's home |
/guild home | Teleport to your guild's home |
/toppt | See top 10 players in playtime |
/playtime | See your playtime |
/baltop | See players with the highest bank balances |
/sv top | See top voters |
/itembox send <player> | Sends your currently held item to a player |
/itembox open | Open your itembox |
/itembox claimall | Claim all the items in your itembox |
/itf toggle visibility | Toggle the visibility of an item frame |
/trademark add | Add a trademark to your map |
/trademark remove | Remove a trademark from your map |
/geyser offhand | Switch your mainhand and offhand |
/geyser advancements | See your advancements |
/geyser statistics | See your statistics |
Pillager Commands[edit]
/craft | Open crafting table |
/ec | Open ender chest |
/ptime | Set own personal time |
/stack | Stack items together |
/sit | Sit down |
/lay | Lay down |
/crawl | Crawl |
/spin | Spin |
/bellyflop | Bellyflop |
/kit coin | Claim Illusioncraft Coins |
Vindicator Commands[edit]
/nick | Change your nickname |
/disposal | Open disposal menu |
/beezooka | ??? |
/kittycannon | ??? |
/invsort | Sort your inventory |
/chestsort | Edit chestsort settings |
/condense | Condense all items in your inventory |
Vex Commands[edit]
/smithingtable | Open smithing table |
/loom | Open loom |
/grindstone | Open grindstone |
/cartographytable | Open cartography table |
/stonecutter | Open Stonecutter |
/anvil | Open anvil |
/feed | Fill your hunger |
Evoker Commands[edit]
/pweather | Set personal weather |
/ie rename | Rename item in hand |
/ie lore | Edit lore of item in hand |
/repair hand | Repair item in your hand |
Ravager Commands[edit]
/repair all | Repair all items in your inventory |
/esign | Edit signs |
/skull | Obtain skull of a player |