Claim Flags[edit]
Claim Flags are an addon to your claims that can extend their functionality. They may seem a bit advanced, but that is to provide you with the most options possible for your claims.
How to set Claim Flags[edit]
Use /setflag <flag> [additional-options]. Any additional options for a flag will show up in the tab complete suggestions.
Use this command inside of the claim that you want to set the flag in
List of Claim Flags[edit]
AllowBlockExplosions | Whether or not explosions break blocks |
AllowInfest | Whether or not silverfish can infest blocks |
AllowPvP | Whether or not PVP is allowed |
AllowWitherDamage | Whether or not withers can deal damage |
BuyAccessTrust | Allows players to buy access trust in the claim. They can use /buyaccesstrust while standing in the claim to buy this trust. |
BuyBuildTrust | Allows players to buy build trust in the claim. They can use /buybuildtrust while standing in the claim to buy this trust. |
BuyContainerTrust | Allows players to buy container trust in the claim. They can use /buycontainertrust while standing in the claim to buy this trust. |
BuySubclaim | Allows players to buy the subclaim. Buying the subclaim will give the buyer all levels of trust and will disable the flag to prevent other players from buying the subclaim after that. |
ChangeBiome | Change the biome in the claim. |
EnterActionbar | Set a message that will appear in a player's actionbar when they enter the claim (currently displays in chat) |
EnterMessage | Set a message that will appear in a player's chat when they enter the claim |
NoBlockFade | Prevents any blocks from fading, melting, or disappearing based on world conditions. |
NoBlockForm | Prevents blocks from forming or spreading based on world conditions. |
NoBlockGravity | Prevents blocks like sand/gravel/anvils from falling |
NoChorusFruit | Prevents players from teleporting when they eat chorus fruit. |
NoCoralDecay | Prevents corals from decaying |
NoElytra | Prevents players from using elytra |
NoEnderPearl | Prevents players from teleporting when they use an ender pearl |
NoEnter | Prevents all players from entering (you can also use /bfca) |
NoEnterPlayer | Prevents specific players from entering (you can also use /bfc <player>) |
NoExplosionDamage | Prevents creepers/tnt from causing damage |
NoFluidFlow | Prevents water/lava from flowing |
NoGrowth | Prevents crops from growing and grass/podzol/etc from spreading |
NoIceForm | Prevents ice from forming |
NoLeafDecay | Prevents leaves from decaying |
NoMapMaking | Prevents players from making maps |
NoMobDamage | Prevents mobs from hurting other mobs |
NoPetDamage | Prevents players from damaging pets |
NoSnowForm | Prevents snow from forming |
NoVehicle | Prevents players from placing and using vehicles (boats/minecart/etc) |
NoVineGrowth | Prevents vines from growing |
NotifyEnter | Sends the owner of the claim a message when a player enters the claim |
NotifyExit | Sends the owner of the claim a message when a player exits the claim |
ProtectNamedMobs | Prevents players without container trust or higher from hurting mobs with names |
RaidMemberOnly | Prevent non-members of claims from triggering raids |
ReadLecterns | Allows players to read, but not manipulate, any lectern with a book |
ViewContainers | Allows players to view, but not manipulate, any container |